Saya merupakan salah seorang di antara pemilik kereta yang berumur lebih dari 15 tahun yang dilaporkan berjumlah mencecah 2.7 juta buah di Malaysia yang tercinta ini. Saya amat tertarik dengan berita-berita di akhbar mengenai Dasar Automotif Negara (DAN) yang telah diumumkan oleh kerajaan baru-baru ini. Walaupun DAN ini dilaporkan secara ringkas sahaja tetapi hati saya mulai gusar dengan apa yang bakal berlaku selepas ini.
Saya menulis ini berdasarkan pemahaman saya melalui laporan di akhbar-akhbar kerana saya ini hanyalah rakyat biasa, seperti kebanyakan rakyat di kampung atau luar bandar yang rata-rata tidak begitu mengerti dengan dasar-dasar yang kerajaan akan laksanakan. Saya bukanlah di antara orang-orang yang mampu menukar kereta bagaikan menukar pakaian sahaja seperti towkey besar, pegawai eksekutif atau pun ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat di luar sana.
Sejak akhir-akhir ini, saya lihat pelbagai peraturan telah dikenakan kepada saya serta orang seperti saya untuk meneruskan kehidupan dengan memiliki kereta-kereta yang berusia. Tidak cukup dengan kenaikan premium insuran pihak ketiga dan keengganan pihak insuran untuk menerima kereta-kereta kami ini, kali ini kami dikejutkan pula dengan DAN yang saya lihat akan banyak menguntungkan ahli-ahli korporat dunia automotif sahaja.
Dengan adanya DAN ini yang kononya dibuat atas dasar membantu merancakkan industri automotif negara, kami dipaksa secara halus untuk melepaskan kenderaan kami dan membeli kenderaan baru yang didakwa lebih moden serta berteknologi tinggi. Bagi kami, kami tidak memerlukan kenderaan yang moden atau canggih untuk ke tempat beribadat atau untuk ke tempat kerja. Cukup lah dengan ketenangan fikiran kami yang kini bebas dengan hutang pinjaman kenderaan. Kenderaan yang moden dan canggih tentu sekali datang dengan tag harga yang kami tidak mampu membelinya secara tunai. Tetapi jika DAN ini terus menekan kami, maka terpaksalah kami membelinya secara hutang. Kami ingin bertanya kepada pihak yang berkenaan, adakah dengan berhutang ini menandakan kita telah maju dan Negara akan makin cepat membangun?
Saya juga amat tertarik dengan Menteri yang berkaitan mengenai kenyataannya untuk menghentikan kemasukan alat ganti kenderaan terpakai ke Negara ini serta komitmen beliau untuk memberi insentif kepada mereka yang ingin membangunkan alat ganti automatif di dalam Negara ini. Saya berpendapat, tindakan tersebut hanya akan menguntung sebelah pihak sahaja dan tentu sekali pihak kami iaitu rakyat biasa akan rugi selamanya. Mungkin antara kami mampu untuk membeli kenderaan baru secara hutang tetapi belum tentu kami mampu untuk mendapatkan alat ganti kenderaan dengan harga yang munasabah. Jika kemasukan alat ganti kenderaan terpakai dihentikan, kami terpaksa mendapatkan alat ganti baru yang bukan semuanya datang dengan harga yang mampu milik. Sebagai contohnya, harga gearbox canggih kereta nasional yang dilancarkan dahulu bagaikan mimpi ngeri kepada pemilik-pemiliknya. Harganya mencecah belasan ribu dan tidak sepadan dengan harga keretanya yang kini dalam promosi mudahmilik oleh pengeluarnya. Ianya bagaikan kata orang-orang tua di kawasan kampung, mahal tali dari lembu. Inilah yang menjadi persoalan kami, adakah DAN ini akan memberi jaminan kepada kami untuk mendapatkan harga alatganti dengan murah dan berkualiti? Berdasarkan pengalaman kami ini, kebanyakan alatganti buatan tempatan terlalu rendah kualitinya dan ianya boleh membahayakan pengguna seperti kami ini.
Oleh itu, kami amat berharap kerajaan dapat mengkaji semula DAN ini demi kepentingan seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Kami bukanlah menentang pelaksanaan DAN ini tetapi biarlah DAN ini dapat memberi manafaat kepada seluruh rakyat, bukannya kepada pihak yang tertentu sahaja. Dengarlah rintihan orang-orang seperti kami. Jangan hancurkan kepercayaan kami yang sekian lama diberikan. Jika rintihan kami diabaikan, maka konsep 1Malaysia yang dicanangkan akan gagal ditengah jalan kerana apa yang kami lihat, keutamaan hanya diberikan kepada pihak-pihak yang tertentu sahaja.
Sekian. Terima kasih
Source: pmc
Friday, October 30, 2009
Ramai Tidak Setuju Syarat Baru Kereta Tua
Pemilik kereta lebih 15 tahun anggap pemeriksaan tahunan Puspakom beban
KUALA LUMPUR: Kalangan pemilik kereta berusia tidak bersetuju dengan peraturan baru yang mewajibkan kenderaan penumpang berusia lebih 15 tahun menjalani pemeriksaan tahunan di Puspakom sebelum memperbaharui cukai jalan.
Mereka berpendapat ia membebankan golongan berpendapatan rendah yang tidak mampu membeli kenderaan lain atau membaik pulihnya jika kenderaan yang dibawa gagal melepasi tahap kelulusan Puspakom.
Selain itu, Puspakom dibimbangi tidak mempunyai kemampuan membuat pemeriksaan sehingga menyebabkan pelanggan menunggu lama di pusat pemeriksaan apabila peraturan baru itu dikuatkuasakan pada 1 Januari tahun depan.
Penghantar surat, Budiman Taib, 33, berkata prosedur itu merumitkan kerana jika kenderaan mempunyai masalah ketika pemeriksaan, semua urusan pembaharuan cukai jalan akan tergendala.
"Saya mempunyai kenderaan berusia dan ini membebankan kerana pemilik perlu menghantar kenderaan ke Puspakom dan menunggu lama untuk proses yang leceh itu," katanya yang memiliki Proton Wira berusia hampir 15 tahun.
Beliau juga berkata, selain itu, kos juga bertambah kerana Puspakom akan mengenakan caj untuk pemeriksaan.
Jurutera, Wan Khairuzaman Wan Nordin, 44, juga tidak setuju kerana ia akan membebankan golongan miskin yang memiliki kenderaan berusia lebih 15 tahun.
"Pemilik kenderaan seumpama ini kebanyakannya golongan berpendapatan rendah. Ia akan membebankan mereka apatah lagi membabitkan kos.
"Ia akan merumitkan prosedur permohonan cukai jalan kerana pemilik terpaksa menunggu untuk memastikan kenderaan melepasi pemeriksaan," katanya yang memiliki sebuah kereta Honda lama yang hampir berusia 15 tahun.
Eksekutif syarikat swasta, Mastura Mohd Sidek, 42, berkata peraturan itu akan menyukarkan golongan berpendapatan rendah terutama yang memiliki satu kenderaan.
"Kenderaan lama mesti ada masalah yang menyebabkan permohonan cukai jalan tertangguh dan seterusnya menyukarkan urusan seharian," katanya.
Wakil jualan, Raduan Basarudin, 46, berkata kerajaan perlu memastikan Puspakom meningkatkan kecekapan bagi mengelakkan peraturan baru itu menyusahkan orang ramai.
"Peraturan ini memang bagus bagi menjamin keselamatan, namun Puspakom perlu menaik taraf mutu perkhidmatan serta kecekapan supaya tidak menyusahkan pemilik yang terpaksa menunggu lama ketika kereta menjalani pemeriksaan," katanya.
Akhbar semalam melaporkan peraturan yang dianggar membabitkan kira-kira sejuta kenderaan, adalah antara 18 langkah baru dalam kajian semula Dasar Automotif Nasional (NAP) bagi meningkatkan daya saing industri automotif tempatan serta menawarkan kenderaan lebih selamat, mesra alam dan berteknologi tinggi.
Sementara itu, pelajar, Mohd Khairul Zakaria, 22, bersetuju kerana ia adalah untuk keselamatan pengguna jalan raya.
"Peraturan ini wajar kerana faktor keselamatan harus diutamakan. Kenderaan terlalu uzur bukan saja membahayakan pemandu, malah pengguna jalan raya lain," katanya.
Source: berita harian online
KUALA LUMPUR: Kalangan pemilik kereta berusia tidak bersetuju dengan peraturan baru yang mewajibkan kenderaan penumpang berusia lebih 15 tahun menjalani pemeriksaan tahunan di Puspakom sebelum memperbaharui cukai jalan.
Mereka berpendapat ia membebankan golongan berpendapatan rendah yang tidak mampu membeli kenderaan lain atau membaik pulihnya jika kenderaan yang dibawa gagal melepasi tahap kelulusan Puspakom.
Selain itu, Puspakom dibimbangi tidak mempunyai kemampuan membuat pemeriksaan sehingga menyebabkan pelanggan menunggu lama di pusat pemeriksaan apabila peraturan baru itu dikuatkuasakan pada 1 Januari tahun depan.
Penghantar surat, Budiman Taib, 33, berkata prosedur itu merumitkan kerana jika kenderaan mempunyai masalah ketika pemeriksaan, semua urusan pembaharuan cukai jalan akan tergendala.
"Saya mempunyai kenderaan berusia dan ini membebankan kerana pemilik perlu menghantar kenderaan ke Puspakom dan menunggu lama untuk proses yang leceh itu," katanya yang memiliki Proton Wira berusia hampir 15 tahun.
Beliau juga berkata, selain itu, kos juga bertambah kerana Puspakom akan mengenakan caj untuk pemeriksaan.
Jurutera, Wan Khairuzaman Wan Nordin, 44, juga tidak setuju kerana ia akan membebankan golongan miskin yang memiliki kenderaan berusia lebih 15 tahun.
"Pemilik kenderaan seumpama ini kebanyakannya golongan berpendapatan rendah. Ia akan membebankan mereka apatah lagi membabitkan kos.
"Ia akan merumitkan prosedur permohonan cukai jalan kerana pemilik terpaksa menunggu untuk memastikan kenderaan melepasi pemeriksaan," katanya yang memiliki sebuah kereta Honda lama yang hampir berusia 15 tahun.
Eksekutif syarikat swasta, Mastura Mohd Sidek, 42, berkata peraturan itu akan menyukarkan golongan berpendapatan rendah terutama yang memiliki satu kenderaan.
"Kenderaan lama mesti ada masalah yang menyebabkan permohonan cukai jalan tertangguh dan seterusnya menyukarkan urusan seharian," katanya.
Wakil jualan, Raduan Basarudin, 46, berkata kerajaan perlu memastikan Puspakom meningkatkan kecekapan bagi mengelakkan peraturan baru itu menyusahkan orang ramai.
"Peraturan ini memang bagus bagi menjamin keselamatan, namun Puspakom perlu menaik taraf mutu perkhidmatan serta kecekapan supaya tidak menyusahkan pemilik yang terpaksa menunggu lama ketika kereta menjalani pemeriksaan," katanya.
Akhbar semalam melaporkan peraturan yang dianggar membabitkan kira-kira sejuta kenderaan, adalah antara 18 langkah baru dalam kajian semula Dasar Automotif Nasional (NAP) bagi meningkatkan daya saing industri automotif tempatan serta menawarkan kenderaan lebih selamat, mesra alam dan berteknologi tinggi.
Sementara itu, pelajar, Mohd Khairul Zakaria, 22, bersetuju kerana ia adalah untuk keselamatan pengguna jalan raya.
"Peraturan ini wajar kerana faktor keselamatan harus diutamakan. Kenderaan terlalu uzur bukan saja membahayakan pemandu, malah pengguna jalan raya lain," katanya.
Source: berita harian online
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Kawabata Dramatic Crash
Masato Kawabata dramatic crash while performing parallel drifting with Daigo Saito at 180km/h. Luckily, he is ok and that's why safety is the most important thing in any sport.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pening Kerana Kereta Rashid

KUALA LUMPUR - Seorang peniaga, Choo Chee Shin sebelum ini berasa bangga kerana dapat memiliki kereta Proton Wira Aeroback yang pernah digunakan oleh jaguh badminton negara, Rashid Sidek (gambar).
Kereta itu yang lengkap dengan pelbagai aksesori seperti rim sukan dan bumbung suria didakwa hadiah daripada Edaran Otomobil Nasional Bhd. (EON) kepada Rashid dan pemain badminton negara lain atas kejayaan menjulang Piala Thomas pada tahun 1992.
Namun pada 23 Jun lalu, perasaan bangga Chee Shin, 57, bertukar kecewa selepas dia disaman oleh Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) dalam sekatan jalan di Kuala Kubu Baru, Selangor atas dakwaan memasang bumbung suria pada kereta itu tanpa kebenaran.
"Saya telah menjelaskan kepada pegawai JPJ bahawa saya tidak mengubahsuai kereta itu tetapi alasan itu tidak diterima,'' kata Chee Shin ketika ditemui di Biro Pengaduan MCA di Jalan Ampang di sini semalam.
Sumber: Kosmo online
p/s: ni siapa yang salah pun x tahu...ape pendapat korang??
Monday, October 26, 2009
'Hydroplaning' atau gelungsuran hidro terjadi apabila terdapat lapisan air diantara tayar dan permukaan jalan raya. Gelungsuran hidro juga dikenali sebagai 'aquaplaning'. Bila keadaan ini terjadi, tayar anda tidak melekat diatas jalanraya sebaliknya tayar anda terapung diatas satu lapisan air.
Bagaimana situasi ini boleh berlaku? Keadaan ini berlaku disebabkan oleh bunga tayar kereta anda yang gagal mengalirkan air keluar ke tepi bahagian tayar. Kegagalan ini disebabkan oleh bunga tayar yang sudah haus atau kenderaan dipandu dengan laju semasa hujan.
Ini adalah salah satu punca kenderaan terbabas atau kemalangan semasa hujan kerana tayar hilang cengkaman dan kenderaan amat sukar dikawal. Oleh itu, anda dinasihatkan untuk memastikan bunga dan tayar kenderaan anda masih dalam keadaan baik dan tidak memandu laju dalam keadaan hujan walaupun anda menggunakan tayar baru.
Bagaimana situasi ini boleh berlaku? Keadaan ini berlaku disebabkan oleh bunga tayar kereta anda yang gagal mengalirkan air keluar ke tepi bahagian tayar. Kegagalan ini disebabkan oleh bunga tayar yang sudah haus atau kenderaan dipandu dengan laju semasa hujan.
Ini adalah salah satu punca kenderaan terbabas atau kemalangan semasa hujan kerana tayar hilang cengkaman dan kenderaan amat sukar dikawal. Oleh itu, anda dinasihatkan untuk memastikan bunga dan tayar kenderaan anda masih dalam keadaan baik dan tidak memandu laju dalam keadaan hujan walaupun anda menggunakan tayar baru.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Rossi Clinched 2009 Moto GP World Championship
Valentino Rossi Clinched his 9th world title Moto GP today at Sepang International Circuit (SIC) after finished third behind Dani Pedrosa and Casey Stoner who won the race. Today's race was delayed due to heavy rain at Sepang Circuit and all riders racing in wet condition. Rossi teammate, Jorge Lorenzo finished forth even start at the back of the grid because of fail to reach the grid on time due to bike problem.
Source: motogp
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Kantoi Dengan JPJ
Budak sekolah kena tahan dengan jpj, merayu2 mintak ampun...memang lawak tul la, korang layan jela
Toyota AE86 Sprinter Trueno
The Toyota AE86 is a small, lightweight coupe introduced by Toyota in 1983 as part of the fifth generation Corolla line-up. Unlike the front wheel drive AE82 models, the AE86 (along with the lower spec AE85 versions) was rear wheel drive, and is said to be the last rear-drive car of its type, at a time when most passenger cars were being switched to front-drive. The AE86 was replaced in 1987 by the front wheel drive AE92 Corolla/Sprinter range. The car was also known as the Hachi-Roku (the numbers 'eight'(hachi) and 'six'(roku) in Japanese).

The AE86 was available with a fuel-injected 4-cylinder twin-cam 1587cc 4A-GEU engine in Japan and Europe, which was also used in the first-generation Toyota MR2 (AW11), which had a maximum power output of 127 PS and 103 ft·lbf of torque in standard form. The AE86 came with a 5-speed manual gearbox, and later came with the option of an automatic. The 4A-GE engines used in the AE86 and AW11 were equipped with T-VIS (Toyota Variable Induction System). The AE86 had an optional Limited Slip Differential (LSD).
In North America, a modified 4A-GEC engine was used to comply with California emissions regulations. Power was rated at 112BHP, and 100 ft·lbf of torque.
The AE86 used ventilated disc brakes at the front, and solid discs at the rear. The car was equipped with independent coil spring suspension at the front, and beam-axle coil springs for the rear.
The AE85 models came with a less-powerful 1452cc SOHC carburettor 3A-U engine without the LSD and was equipped with rear drum brakes. Lower-spec American AE86 SR5 models used the 1587cc 4A-C SOHC unit, did not have an optional LSD, and had rear drum brakes.
Models equipped with the 4A-GE engine recieved a 6.7" rear differential, while 3A-U, 4A-U, and 4A-C models recieved a smaller, weaker, 6.38" rear differential.
In North America the AE86 SR5 (4A-C equipped) had an optional automatic transmission, though the GT-S model (with the 4A-GE DOHC engine) only came with a standard 5-speed manual gearbox.
Both the Levin and Trueno variants were offered with either a 2-door coupe or 3-door liftback (sometimes called hatchback) body style. Both the Levin and Trueno were generally identical, apart from fixed, rectangular headlights on the Levin and pop-up headlights on the Trueno. Minor bodywork changes were made in 1986 which resulted in different tail lights for both Levin and Trueno models, along with the coupe and hatchback styles. The models sold between 1983-1985 are commonly referred to as "Zenki" and the models sold from 1986-1987 are referred to as "Kouki."

In Japan, the DOHC 4A-GEU AE86 was offered in GT-APEX or GTV trims as the Corolla Levin or Sprinter Trueno, with SOHC 3A-U AE85 version sold in a veriety of tims including SR, GT, etc. In America, the top-spec DOHC 4A-GEC AE86 was sold as the Corolla GT-S with the SOHC 4A-C AE86 bearing the Corolla SR5 tag, both versions sold with pop-up headlights only. Euro spec models were sold as the Corolla GT with DOHC engines and fixed Levin-style headlghts. The middle east recieved the same basic model as the North American market, with popup headlights and the regulated 5MPH bumpers.
Due to a light weight of around 940kg, and over 120BHP power, the car could reach a top speed of 120MPH, and could accelerate from 0-60MPH in 8.5 seconds in standard specification.

The AE86 in motorsport
The rear drive configuration, combined with the AE86's light weight (~2300lb curb weight), balance and relatively powerful (and easy to tune) 4A-GEU 4A-GEC engine made it popular among the Japanese hashiriya street racers, many of whom raced in mountain passes (these mountain races were often called "Touge" races) where the corners suited the Trueno best, especially on the downhill. Among those who utilized this car was Japanese racing legend Keiichi Tsuchiya, also known as the Dori-King (drift king). Tsuchiya helped popularize the sport of drifting, which involves taking a car on a set of controlled slides through corners. The AE86's RWD configuration made it well suited to this kind of cornering and up to this day the car is a mainstay of drift shows and competitions.

The AE86 in Popular Culture and Media
The Hachi-Roku has now been immortalized by manga artist Shuichi Shigeno (しげの秀一) in the hit manga/anime series Initial D, and this, in turn, has led to a resurgence of interest in the car. This rise in the popularity of the AE86 has led to a growth in its demand and a subsequent rise in its resale value; what was once a car that was overlooked by many in the US and abroad (during a time when power and 1/4 mile times were focused on, more than cornering ability and balance) is now a hot commodity among auto-enthusiasts. Nowadays the AE86 even gained attention from Western video game publishers, as the car was included in Electronic Arts's racing computer and video game Need for Speed: Underground 2 (although under the American name Corolla GTS), and Microsoft's Forza Motorsport. And the makers of Gran Turismo have given tribute to Initial D by adding the Shuichi Shigeno edition of the Trueno to Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec and Gran Turismo 4. The Shuichi Shigeno version differs in that it's max RPM is 12,000 RPM, it has a light weight reduction (carbon hood) and somewhat akin to the re-engined AE86 in Initial D Stage 2.

The AE86 was available with a fuel-injected 4-cylinder twin-cam 1587cc 4A-GEU engine in Japan and Europe, which was also used in the first-generation Toyota MR2 (AW11), which had a maximum power output of 127 PS and 103 ft·lbf of torque in standard form. The AE86 came with a 5-speed manual gearbox, and later came with the option of an automatic. The 4A-GE engines used in the AE86 and AW11 were equipped with T-VIS (Toyota Variable Induction System). The AE86 had an optional Limited Slip Differential (LSD).
In North America, a modified 4A-GEC engine was used to comply with California emissions regulations. Power was rated at 112BHP, and 100 ft·lbf of torque.
The AE86 used ventilated disc brakes at the front, and solid discs at the rear. The car was equipped with independent coil spring suspension at the front, and beam-axle coil springs for the rear.
The AE85 models came with a less-powerful 1452cc SOHC carburettor 3A-U engine without the LSD and was equipped with rear drum brakes. Lower-spec American AE86 SR5 models used the 1587cc 4A-C SOHC unit, did not have an optional LSD, and had rear drum brakes.
Models equipped with the 4A-GE engine recieved a 6.7" rear differential, while 3A-U, 4A-U, and 4A-C models recieved a smaller, weaker, 6.38" rear differential.
In North America the AE86 SR5 (4A-C equipped) had an optional automatic transmission, though the GT-S model (with the 4A-GE DOHC engine) only came with a standard 5-speed manual gearbox.
Both the Levin and Trueno variants were offered with either a 2-door coupe or 3-door liftback (sometimes called hatchback) body style. Both the Levin and Trueno were generally identical, apart from fixed, rectangular headlights on the Levin and pop-up headlights on the Trueno. Minor bodywork changes were made in 1986 which resulted in different tail lights for both Levin and Trueno models, along with the coupe and hatchback styles. The models sold between 1983-1985 are commonly referred to as "Zenki" and the models sold from 1986-1987 are referred to as "Kouki."

In Japan, the DOHC 4A-GEU AE86 was offered in GT-APEX or GTV trims as the Corolla Levin or Sprinter Trueno, with SOHC 3A-U AE85 version sold in a veriety of tims including SR, GT, etc. In America, the top-spec DOHC 4A-GEC AE86 was sold as the Corolla GT-S with the SOHC 4A-C AE86 bearing the Corolla SR5 tag, both versions sold with pop-up headlights only. Euro spec models were sold as the Corolla GT with DOHC engines and fixed Levin-style headlghts. The middle east recieved the same basic model as the North American market, with popup headlights and the regulated 5MPH bumpers.
Due to a light weight of around 940kg, and over 120BHP power, the car could reach a top speed of 120MPH, and could accelerate from 0-60MPH in 8.5 seconds in standard specification.

The AE86 in motorsport
The rear drive configuration, combined with the AE86's light weight (~2300lb curb weight), balance and relatively powerful (and easy to tune) 4A-GEU 4A-GEC engine made it popular among the Japanese hashiriya street racers, many of whom raced in mountain passes (these mountain races were often called "Touge" races) where the corners suited the Trueno best, especially on the downhill. Among those who utilized this car was Japanese racing legend Keiichi Tsuchiya, also known as the Dori-King (drift king). Tsuchiya helped popularize the sport of drifting, which involves taking a car on a set of controlled slides through corners. The AE86's RWD configuration made it well suited to this kind of cornering and up to this day the car is a mainstay of drift shows and competitions.

The AE86 in Popular Culture and Media
The Hachi-Roku has now been immortalized by manga artist Shuichi Shigeno (しげの秀一) in the hit manga/anime series Initial D, and this, in turn, has led to a resurgence of interest in the car. This rise in the popularity of the AE86 has led to a growth in its demand and a subsequent rise in its resale value; what was once a car that was overlooked by many in the US and abroad (during a time when power and 1/4 mile times were focused on, more than cornering ability and balance) is now a hot commodity among auto-enthusiasts. Nowadays the AE86 even gained attention from Western video game publishers, as the car was included in Electronic Arts's racing computer and video game Need for Speed: Underground 2 (although under the American name Corolla GTS), and Microsoft's Forza Motorsport. And the makers of Gran Turismo have given tribute to Initial D by adding the Shuichi Shigeno edition of the Trueno to Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec and Gran Turismo 4. The Shuichi Shigeno version differs in that it's max RPM is 12,000 RPM, it has a light weight reduction (carbon hood) and somewhat akin to the re-engined AE86 in Initial D Stage 2.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Senandung Hari Raya Untukmu - Stacy & Imran Ajmain
Saje aku post video clip ni sebagai penutup hari raya tahun ni...sebelum ni teringat gak nak masukkan lagu ni dalam entry tapi terlupa plak...harap2 tak terlambat lagi la korang nak layan lagu ni...hehe..apalagi, enjoy la lagu ni sambil makan habuk kuih raya.... :)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
PDRM Evo X Crash While Demonstration
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Please Alert...!!
This is from email...
23 September 2009
To my family and friends,
This happened to me today. Please take care.
I was visiting a specialist at Sg. Besi, located at a shophouse near South City Plaza, Sg. Besi today with my 8 year old daughter. If, like me, you are unfamiliar with this part of KL, its is adjacent to The Mines, off the Besraya Highway. This was at 1 pm, broad daylight, with lots of people about.
After the consultation, my daughter and I got into my car, a Toyota Estima. I started the engine and was about to back out of the streetside parking space when a bunch of men (in this case, of Indian ethnic background) who were fussing around another car parked two lots away turned around and started to gesture to me to stop. They flashed police IDs and indicated that I should stop. I assumed that something untoward had happened to the car, or its occupants (a white MPV) which had its bonnet up and doors opened, and around 10 guys buzzing around it. I felt uneasy right away and (whilst with the windows up & door locked) gestured to them that I would speak to them a liitle further down the road. (away from so many guys).
A white van marked with the familiar blue "Polis DiRaja Malaysia" insignia on the doors and bonnet drove up alongside and the two men disembarked and showed me their IDs once again. They said that my car road tax serial number was different from that registered to my vehicle licence plate and that I should allow them to check the chassis number of the vehicle by lifting the bonnet. I immediate countered that by asking them " Eh, what exactly are you guys doing huh?" They replied, " We are the police, cannot read ah? We are doing our jobs." whilst gesturing towards their IDs. They also showed me their mobile hand-held "checking unit" which looked all "official-website- form" on it and showed me a number and pointed out that this was different from that shown on my road tax sticker.
Since the sticker faces outwards I had no way of checking. I just contered that with " Eh, if the number is different, its your problem, not mine. Whats wrong with your computer system huh?" They got very irritated. In the meantime, while this exchange was happening, I was trying to call my husband on his moblie to verify the road tax renewal (cos, y'know, us wimmin don't like to get our hands dirty with this kinda thing).... Rang, couldn't get through immediately, so to buy a little more time, I told the plainclothes cops that I didnt't think that they were cops (altho I wasn't sure) and that I wanted the check to be done in the police station. They said, sure, to follow them to the station nearby.
They started to drive their police van and indicated for me to follow them. By this time I got through to my husband and he just said - " car jackers, don't follow them, this is bulll!!!!!!" I was already panicking because there was like quite a few of the guys by the car, and I wasn't sure if there were't any of the group tailing me...whether I was a car sandwich or no.
So I gave my husband the van's licence plate and drove around looking for the nearest access to the highway (tol plaza) The police van followed me and I just kept smiling at them and gesturing for them to follow me. (gila huh?) Then I stopped at the tol lane (The Sg. Besi Tol) realised there is no tol office just the drivethrough counter. (almost went to the smart tag lane out of habit... just see how bodoh we can be) I just stopped there and told the girl at the counter my dilemma...for about 10 minutes. The van went through the toll and drove off. I waited to be sure no other vehicle was waiting around, gave the girl the licence plate and asked her to call the cops, although I had doubts about follow-through. Even at that time, I wasn't 100% sure if they were genuine thugs or cops... because, sadly, as we alll know... even the real thing looks pretty iffy in this part of the world huh?
Anyway, my husband had called back to say that they had checked the plate with Bukit Aman and they boys in blue do not have a vehicle with that registration. I just kept drivin' and drivin' and drivin' cos really, I had no idea where I was... until I reached Sunway Pyramid. For the life of me I really don't know how I got there (Since South KL is terra incognita), and mainly because I was so busy checking my rear view mirror to see if any car was tailing me. My 8 year old daughter was getting a little nervous in the back there.
When we got out of the car as I had decided to have lunch at Sunway Pyramid (I had to calm down right?) she turned to me and said... " I think they wanted the car AND me" Oh dear god... I hadn't even thought about THAT
So please, do watch out. The van plate (which is probably fake...) was WMK 3944. Doesn't matter, who and how and when, the ploys, I'm sure, keep evolving, just be your most SCEPTICAL self at all times when "OUT THERE".
Take care y'all.
Karen Lim Siebel
23 September 2009
To my family and friends,
This happened to me today. Please take care.
I was visiting a specialist at Sg. Besi, located at a shophouse near South City Plaza, Sg. Besi today with my 8 year old daughter. If, like me, you are unfamiliar with this part of KL, its is adjacent to The Mines, off the Besraya Highway. This was at 1 pm, broad daylight, with lots of people about.
After the consultation, my daughter and I got into my car, a Toyota Estima. I started the engine and was about to back out of the streetside parking space when a bunch of men (in this case, of Indian ethnic background) who were fussing around another car parked two lots away turned around and started to gesture to me to stop. They flashed police IDs and indicated that I should stop. I assumed that something untoward had happened to the car, or its occupants (a white MPV) which had its bonnet up and doors opened, and around 10 guys buzzing around it. I felt uneasy right away and (whilst with the windows up & door locked) gestured to them that I would speak to them a liitle further down the road. (away from so many guys).
A white van marked with the familiar blue "Polis DiRaja Malaysia" insignia on the doors and bonnet drove up alongside and the two men disembarked and showed me their IDs once again. They said that my car road tax serial number was different from that registered to my vehicle licence plate and that I should allow them to check the chassis number of the vehicle by lifting the bonnet. I immediate countered that by asking them " Eh, what exactly are you guys doing huh?" They replied, " We are the police, cannot read ah? We are doing our jobs." whilst gesturing towards their IDs. They also showed me their mobile hand-held "checking unit" which looked all "official-website- form" on it and showed me a number and pointed out that this was different from that shown on my road tax sticker.
Since the sticker faces outwards I had no way of checking. I just contered that with " Eh, if the number is different, its your problem, not mine. Whats wrong with your computer system huh?" They got very irritated. In the meantime, while this exchange was happening, I was trying to call my husband on his moblie to verify the road tax renewal (cos, y'know, us wimmin don't like to get our hands dirty with this kinda thing).... Rang, couldn't get through immediately, so to buy a little more time, I told the plainclothes cops that I didnt't think that they were cops (altho I wasn't sure) and that I wanted the check to be done in the police station. They said, sure, to follow them to the station nearby.
They started to drive their police van and indicated for me to follow them. By this time I got through to my husband and he just said - " car jackers, don't follow them, this is bulll!!!!!!" I was already panicking because there was like quite a few of the guys by the car, and I wasn't sure if there were't any of the group tailing me...whether I was a car sandwich or no.
So I gave my husband the van's licence plate and drove around looking for the nearest access to the highway (tol plaza) The police van followed me and I just kept smiling at them and gesturing for them to follow me. (gila huh?) Then I stopped at the tol lane (The Sg. Besi Tol) realised there is no tol office just the drivethrough counter. (almost went to the smart tag lane out of habit... just see how bodoh we can be) I just stopped there and told the girl at the counter my dilemma...for about 10 minutes. The van went through the toll and drove off. I waited to be sure no other vehicle was waiting around, gave the girl the licence plate and asked her to call the cops, although I had doubts about follow-through. Even at that time, I wasn't 100% sure if they were genuine thugs or cops... because, sadly, as we alll know... even the real thing looks pretty iffy in this part of the world huh?
Anyway, my husband had called back to say that they had checked the plate with Bukit Aman and they boys in blue do not have a vehicle with that registration. I just kept drivin' and drivin' and drivin' cos really, I had no idea where I was... until I reached Sunway Pyramid. For the life of me I really don't know how I got there (Since South KL is terra incognita), and mainly because I was so busy checking my rear view mirror to see if any car was tailing me. My 8 year old daughter was getting a little nervous in the back there.
When we got out of the car as I had decided to have lunch at Sunway Pyramid (I had to calm down right?) she turned to me and said... " I think they wanted the car AND me" Oh dear god... I hadn't even thought about THAT
So please, do watch out. The van plate (which is probably fake...) was WMK 3944. Doesn't matter, who and how and when, the ploys, I'm sure, keep evolving, just be your most SCEPTICAL self at all times when "OUT THERE".
Take care y'all.
Karen Lim Siebel
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Gran Turismo 5 Introduced Toyota FT-86 Concept
The Gran Turismo developer introduced the replacement of the legendary AE 86 aka 'Hachiroku', the Toyota FT-86 Concept in their latest edition of Gran Turismo, Gran Turismo 5.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Perodua New MPV
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